Last year, like many of our industry friends, we found ourselves considerably short on grandMA consoles. So we ordered more and like everyone else, we waited. Understandably, MA Lighting had a considerable backlog to fill. We were given ETAs that ranged, depending on model, from February 2024 to June 2024. In a positive start to 2024, we got word that the grandMA 3 Light and grandMA 3 Full consoles were available sooner than expected and they’re now showing up at our docks.
Our scattered grandMA 3 purchases last year included the Full and Light consoles, as well as Command Wing XT — all of which we already had in rental stock. Obviously, our tactic there was inventory depth. But we also purchased a few grandMA 3 Compact consoles. Not all of our show and rental needs required the horsepower (or budget) of a Light but many did need backwards compatibility to grandMA 2 software, so Compact made sense. These have not yet arrived but are expected sometime in Q1. In the meantime, we’re grateful for these added Fulls and Lights.